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The RCPAD network has now been active for one year. This is an update of what our group and those who supported us have achieved during this time.

During the last year a total of 27 hospitals have taken part in RCPAD projects and data regarding more than 5,000 patients have been collected.

Major projects completed:

1) EMOPOP international registry on isolated popliteal artery endovascular treatments. This was a multicentre study across several countries in Europe. EMOPOP represents the largest cohort study to date reporting outcomes after endovascular treatment(s) for isolated popliteal artery disease. The study was completed in less than a year, reporting outcomes relating to the treatment of thousands of patients. Our team pioneered a novel type of statistical analysis in order to report/compare results using several different treatment approaches within the popliteal artery. The full published work is now available on the Journal of Vascular Surgery.

2) COBRA study - Covered vs. Bare Metal Stents in the Reconstruction of the Aortic Bifurcation. This was the 1st major RCPAD study involving several sites across the United Kingdom and Europe. This observational study assessed outcomes following endovascular treatment of complex aorto-iliac occlusive lesion with a variety of techniques and devices. Our network supported data collection, analysis, and dissemination (including statistical analyses to assess treatments’ interactions). Two manuscripts have now been published as a result, one from centres across the United Kingdom, describing a UK-wide experience relating to these endovascular techniques, and one from across Europe. 

3) BUBH (bullying, undermining, and harassment) in the vascular healthcare environment. RCPAD completed an international survey of vascular healthcare professionals (578 participants) to assess the prevalence of BUBH behaviours in the vascular workplace. This is the first international work of this nature. Results are currently in publication and are expected to shape future policy-making in this wider area.

Published work: 

We have now published 3 studies which were designed, delivered, and disseminated via our network. All 3 studies had an international reach with centres recruiting across Europe. The collaborators helped deliver meaningful real-world research to benefit patients with peripheral arterial disease. The following 3 articles are available online and in print: 

Ongoing projects:

ENSUPRO - This international observational study aims to report on outcomes following open, hybrid and endovascular management of patients presenting with symptomatic prosthetic lower limb bypass graft occlusion. A total of 250 patients have taken part from 18 centres across Europe.

COSTLY-TLR – funded by Boston Scientific; a Europe-wide project assessing the cost of re-interventions after endovascular therapy in patients with PAD. This is the first multicentre micro-costing exercise in this population of patients. It is supported by RCPAD, FCRE, University of Leicester, and several collaborators across Europe. Results will be published in 2024.

RANDOM-STOP - This multicentre study has already recruited 1,500 patients. We are assessing the proportion of patients with CLTI who present to a vascular unit for treatment and would be eligible for inclusion in the various randomised trials published by industry partners. Results will be published in early 2023 (at analysis stage).

Major projects completed:

Statistical expertise - RCPAD staff have advanced statistical expertise with regards to applied research. We can consult or plan your analyses and even provide a full package of support relating to drafting and finalising an analysis plan. Our team have formal expertise and training in this area with cond. We can also support basic or more advanced health economic analyses. 

Data management, maintenance, hosting - We can offer a variety of online remote tools and approaches for data management and final analysis. We have already delivered complex projects relating to PAD with data collected internationally.

Advice on research design, grant applications, including clinical trials - We can offer comprehensive support both at early design and set up stage for any applied project relating to vascular patients. Our group has funded and delivered a wide array of research projects relating to vascular diseases, using both public and industry funding. 

Recruitment support for future and ongoing projects - our extensive network can support your ongoing or future research. Please contact our team at your earliest convenience, preferably at design stage.

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