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The RCPAD network has now been active for one year. This is an update of what our group and those who supported us have achieved during this time.

During the last year a total of 27 hospitals have taken part in RCPAD projects and data regarding more than 5,000 patients have been collected.

VPAD study: Vessel preparation consensus

This is a qualitative global project, trying to understand issues surrounding vessel preparation technologies in PAD. This is called “the VPAD study” and will help understand issues surrounding use of vessel preparation, as well as support future research (especially randomised trials).  

For more information please contact: 


Prof. Dr. Grigorios Korosoglou

Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Donas


To investigate the safety and effectiveness of the endovascular and surgical revascularization techniques for the treatment of consecutive patients with CFA lesions within a real-world registry. Patients will be included with claudication or rest pain due CFA stenosis or occlusion.


In addition, outcomes including improvement in terms of Rutherford category, target lesion revascularization, will be systematically analyzed in all patients.


ALIVE (Acute Limb Ischemia Vascular Outcomes Evaluation)

The ALIVE Project lead aims to investigate outcomes after surgical, hybrid and endovascular treatment of ALI focusing on long-term efficacy of the various endovascular thrombectomy devices and lysis in the modern setting.





Click below to register interest in participating in the study:

ALIVE presentation.png

Nikolaos Konstantinou, MD;

Konstantinos Stavroulakis, MD, PhD

© 2020 by Start2Finish Event Management

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